Friday 23 April 2010

Modern architecture and inspiration


Below are 2 architectural and lighting styles that I really like the look of and think could work for the Globe, but having looked at a variety of other modern buildings, I found that it has become overwhelming slightly with deciding what style to go with.

As a result, I figured it would be easier if I knew what I was turning the new Globe into, as this will help direct the design.

My initial thought was a hotel but having visited the Globe before, it seems a bit small for that. For the moment I will be going with the idea of turning it into a high profile office, just to get the ball rolling.

More Inspiration

Gonzalo Mardones
18th Chapter of Firefighters
Santiago, Chile

I will be taking the idea of the up-lighters used on the façade of this building as inspiration for my own ideas of transforming the Globe theatre.

The lighting creates a focal point and emphasizes the red panels constructing the exterior of the building.

modern architecture and inspiration

Santiago Calatrava
Art Museum

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

The curved protruding beams along the exterior of the building create an organic appeal that I feel could suit the Globe theatre well. The light on the inside of this building also helps to accentuate its curves.

The interior follows the theme of organic architecture which can be seen in the style of the doors and windows, and again, I think this could work well for the Globe


I plan to model the pathway and buildings around the Globe Theatre so that the re-developed building can be seen in it's environment, so i've pulled a photo of the area from google images as well as other images that will help in this aspect.

Virtual Tours

I found a website which has four 360 degree virtual tours of the inside of the Globe Theatre which should prove useful.

from the Yard, Upper Gallery, Lower Gallery and the Stage

More Reference

Reference Photos


I couldnt find any official blueprints for the Globe Theatre, although I found dimensions for the building on the official Globe Theatre Website.

Upeer, Middle and Lower Gallery Floor Plans

Ground Floor plan

The lucky building is.....The Globe Theatre

Having looked at each building, I have decided to go with modernising the Globe Theatre. I know this is probably the simplest of the four but I think I would enjoy re-developing this the most. It has a lot of potential in regards to modernising the structure and changing its purpose.

First thing, I will post up reference photos of the Globe's Exterior and Interior, Dimensions/Blueprints and any images that I think will be useful and inspirational for my design.

The Brief

The British Museum

St. Albans Cathedral

London Bridge

Globe Theatre

For this new brief I have been set an assignment to produce an Architectural Visualisation project for a current landmark from a choice of four. The task is to re-develop and modernise one of them using contemporary architectural styles and modern materials. I also have the option of assigning a new purpose to my chosen building.

The four buildings are: